szukam pomocy do edycji plugina na losowe dzwieki
Julass - 09.05.2008 13:44
szukam pomocy do edycji plugina na losowe dzwieki
Próbowałem sam edytować ten plik, ale mi troszkę nie wyszło i mam taką prośbę:
Mógłby mi ktoś poprawić ten plugin, żeby: - dźwięk "headshot2_ultimate" nie powtarzał się ciągle jeśli zostanie wylosowany (bo jest tak, że jeśli ten dźwięk się wylosuje to już do zmiany mapy jest odgrywany non-stop) - nie było wiadomości typu: jacek zabił tomka strzalem w glowe (usunąłem kilka takich komend, ale nie wszystkie bo nie chciałem za bardzo namieszać)
/* Ultimate KillStreak Advanced
! Available Sounds for enemy kills, headshot kills, knife kills , first blood kills , double kill , round counter.
1) 10 sounds for enemy kills :
- At 3 kills -> play TripleKill sound
- 4 -> play MultiKill sound (it's not basically multikill sound)
- 6 -> play UltraKill sound (it's not basically ultrakill sound)
- 8 -> play KillingSpree sound (it's not basically killingspree sound)
- 10 -> play MegaKill sound
- 12 -> play Holy Shit sound
- 14 -> play Ludicrouskill sound
- 15 -> play rampage sound
- 16 -> play Unstoppable Sound (it's not basically unstoppable sound)
- 18 -> play Monster Kill sound (it's not basically monster kill sound)
2) 5 Sounds for Headshot (random play)
3) 2 Sounds for Knife Kill (random play)
4) 2 Sounds for First Blood (random play)
5) 3 Sounds for Round Counter Events (random play)
6) 1 Sound for Grenade Kill Events
7) 2 Sounds for Double Kill Events
* CVARs:
- ut_killstreak_advanced (default 3) - enable/disable kill report, hudmessages
1 = Only HudMessages
2 = Only Sounds
3 = Sounds and HudMessages
Another number disable this event
- ut_killstreak_hs (default 1) -> enable/disable headshot events
Includes 2 sounds, hudmessages
- ut_killstreak_knife (default 1) -> enable/disable knife kill events
Includes 2 sounds, hudmessages
- ut_firstblood (default 1) -> enable/disable first blood events
Includes 2 sounds, hudmessages
- ut_doublekill_events (default 1) -> enable/disable Double Kill Events
Includes 2 sounds, hudmessage
- ut_roundcout_sounds (default 1) -> enable/disable Round Counter Sounds
Includes 3 sounds, hudmessage
* [UPDATE] 0.6 - > 0.7 (10/02/2007)
- Changed the ul_killstreak_advanced cvar (read on head plugin at "CVARS"
- Chaged the cord of hudmessages, to be to center
- Now on killstreak announce, messages will be with random colors
* [UPDATE] 0.5 -> 0.6
- Fixed bugs
- Added Round Counter Cvar:
* [UPDATE] 0.4 -> 0.5
- Added Double Kill Events
Cvar : ut_doublekill_events (default 1)
Sounds : 2 sounds (random play)
Messages : 1 Hud Message
This is only if you kill 2 players with a bullet
* [UPDATE] 0.2 -> 0.3
- Added First Blood Events:
Cvar : ut_firstblood (default 1)
Sounds : 2 sounds (random play)
Messages : 3 hud messages (random display)
- Added Round Counter Events:
Sounds : 3 sounds (random play)
Messages : 1 hud message
* [UPDATE] 0.1 -> 0.2
- Added new 4 headshot kill messages
- Added new 3 knife kill messages
This messages will displayed at random
* Install:
1) Enable Plugin
2) Copy "Pro_Gamers_Site" folder in to your "cstrikesound" folder
3) Restart server
* Credits:
- xxAvalancheXx for double kill codes
- jim_yang for some sugestion and grenade events codes
- bo0m! for help me with an register event function
- Duca for Streak Mode Example
* Have a nice day now
#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
#define PLUGIN_NAME "Ultimate KillStreak Advanced"
#define PLUGIN_VERSION "0.7"
new kills[33] = {0,...};
new deaths[33] = {0,...};
new firstblood
new kill[33][24];
#define LEVELS 10
#define hsounds 5
#define knsounds 2
#define fbsounds 2
#define prpsounds 3
#define maxdbsounds 2
#define TASK_CLEAR_KILL 100
new hsenable
new knifeenable
new firstbloodenable
new cvardouble
new rnstartcvar
new killstreaktype
new levels[10] = {3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12,14,15,16,18};
new sounds[10][] =
new messages[10][] =
"%s: Triple Kill !",
"%s: Multi Kill !",
"%s: Ultra Kill !",
"%s: Killing Spree !",
"%s: Mega Kill !",
"%s: Holy Shit !",
"%s: Ludicrous Kill !",
"%s: Rampage !",
"%s: Unstoppable !",
"%s: M o n s t e R K i L L ! ! !"
new hslist[hsounds][] =
new fblist[fbsounds][]=
new preplist[prpsounds][]=
new knlist[knsounds][]=
new doublelist[maxdbsounds][]=
is_mode_set(bits) {
new mode[9];
get_cvar_string("ut_killstreak_advanced", mode, 8);
return read_flags(mode) & bits;
public plugin_init() {
killstreaktype = register_cvar("ut_killstreak_advanced", "3");
register_event("ResetHUD", "reset_hud", "b");
register_event("HLTV","rnstart","a", "1=0", "2=0");
register_event("DeathMsg", "event_death", "a");
hsenable = register_cvar("ut_killstreak_hs","1");
knifeenable = register_cvar("ut_killstreak_knife","1");
firstbloodenable = register_cvar("ut_firstblood","1");
cvardouble = register_cvar("ut_doublekill_events","1");
rnstartcvar = register_cvar("ut_roundcout_sounds","1");
public event_death(id) {
new killer = read_data(1);
new victim = read_data(2);
new headshot = read_data(3);
new weapon[24], vicname[32], killname[32]
if(headshot == 1 && get_pcvar_num(hsenable) ==1)
set_hudmessage(0, 0, 255, -1.0, 0.30, 0, 6.0, 6.0)
show_hudmessage(0, (hsmessages[random_num(0,3)]), killname, vicname)
new i
i = random_num(0,hsounds-1)
client_cmd(0,"spk %s",hslist[i])
if(weapon[0] == 'k' && get_pcvar_num(knifeenable) ==1)
set_hudmessage(255, 0, 255, -1.0, 0.30, 0, 6.0, 6.0)
show_hudmessage(0, (knmessages[random_num(0,2)]), killname, vicname)
new r
r = random_num(0,knsounds-1)
client_cmd(0,"spk %s",knlist[r])
if(firstblood && killer!=victim && killer>0 && get_pcvar_num(firstbloodenable) ==1)
set_hudmessage(255, 0, 255, -1.0, 0.30, 0, 6.0, 6.0)
show_hudmessage(0, (fbmessages[random_num(0,2)]), killname)
new t
t = random_num(0,fbsounds-1)
client_cmd(0,"spk %s",fblist[t])
firstblood = 0
if(kill[killer][0] && equal(kill[killer],weapon) && get_pcvar_num(cvardouble) == 1)
set_hudmessage(255, 0, 255, -1.0, 0.30, 0, 6.0, 6.0)
show_hudmessage(0,"Wow %s made a double kill", killname)
kill[killer][0] = 0;
new q
q= random_num(0,maxdbsounds-1)
client_cmd(0,"spk %s",doublelist[q])
kill[killer] = weapon;
kills[killer] += 1;
kills[victim] = 0;
deaths[killer] = 0;
deaths[victim] += 1;
for (new i = 0; i < LEVELS; i++)
if (kills[killer] == levels[i])
announce(killer, i);
announce(killer, level)
new name[33]
new r = random(256)
new g = random(256)
new b = random(256)
get_user_name(killer, name, 32);
set_hudmessage(r,g,b, 0.05, 0.65, 2, 0.02, 6.0, 0.01, 0.1, 2);
if( (get_pcvar_num(killstreaktype) <= 0 ) || get_pcvar_num(killstreaktype) > 3)
if(get_pcvar_num(killstreaktype) == 1)
show_hudmessage(0, messages[level], name);
if(get_pcvar_num(killstreaktype) == 2)
client_cmd(0, "spk %s", sounds[level]);
if(get_pcvar_num(killstreaktype) == 3)
show_hudmessage(0, messages[level], name);
client_cmd(0, "spk %s", sounds[level]);
public reset_hud(id)
firstblood = 1
if (is_mode_set(16)) {
if (kills[id] > levels[0]) {
client_print(id, print_chat,
"* You are on a killstreak with %d kills.", kills[id]);
} else if (deaths[id] > 1) {
client_print(id, print_chat,
"* Take care, you are on a deathstreak with %d deaths in a row.", deaths[id]);
public rnstart(id)
if(get_pcvar_num(rnstartcvar) == 1)
firstblood = 1
set_hudmessage(255, 0, 255, -1.0, 0.30, 0, 6.0, 6.0)
show_hudmessage(0, "Prepare To Fight!")
new q
q = random_num(0,prpsounds-1)
client_cmd(0,"spk %s",preplist[q])
public client_connect(id) {
kills[id] = 0;
deaths[id] = 0;
public clear_kill(taskid)
new id = taskid-TASK_CLEAR_KILL;
kill[id][0] = 0;
public plugin_precache()
!~* eMo SeBu$ *~! - 09.05.2008 18:59
Julass, hmm, ten plugin jest na TP i takich problemów z nim nie ma ^^
Julass - 09.05.2008 20:40
jeżeli zakładam temat to chyba są!?
Dodałem do tego pluginu więcej dźwięków przy zginięciu z hs'a, ale musiałem coś zrobić źle, bo keidy wylosuje się dźwięk "headshot2_ultimate" to zamiast raz być odegrany to jest non stop :( I chciałbym także, aby nie było tych wiadomości typu: "Wow %s made a double kill" (sam ich nie usuwam, bo za bardzo się na tym nie znam i nie chcę czegoś za dużo usunąć.
!~* eMo SeBu$ *~! - 10.05.2008 02:31
Julass, włącz plugin miscstats.amxx (usuń ; przed) i włącz w konfiguracji statystyk sobie te dźwięki ;p
Julass - 17.05.2008 21:59
... plugin działa, ale błędnie... cały czas to pisze!!!
!~* eMo SeBu$ *~! - 18.05.2008 14:13
To napisałem - nie używaj tego, tylko użyj miscstats